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Vitamin B4

Vitamin B4 Manufacturer Supplier & Exporter - Vitamin B4 Price

For the chicks and hens alike, D3, E, and B complex vitamins contribute to a healthy immune system, as well as increasing energy levels and appetite after a period of stress.

B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. Vitamin B complex helps prevent infections and helps support or promote cell health.

The body needs its B vitamins. And it's worthwhile to supplement B12 and folate if you need it. Though keep in mind that most people are likely getting what they need from their diet.

We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of SWISS CHEMIE Special (Vitamin B4) and our product is made up of good quality.

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Swiss Chemie is a 60+-year-old company and it is performing its business activities in 45+ countries in the poultry sector. It is the global supplier and exporter of poultry vaccines, amino acids, antibiotics, feed supplements, vitamins along with its raw materials. Swiss Chemie supply "Vitamin B4" in liquid and powder form across the globe for various veterinary applications. The "Vitamin B4" offered by Swiss Chemie comes along with assured quality and at competitive prices as compared to other suppliers in the market.

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