1. Halal Health and Feed Supplements for Poultry, Large Animal, Aqua.   2. Each product and supplement is thoughtfully tailor-made and meticulously crafted to match the unique needs and preferences of each customers.   


Vitamin D & Vitamin D3 Manufacturers and Suppliers

DESCRIPTION : Vitamin D is important for the development and maintenance of strong, healthy bones in animals as well as humans.

However, there are circumstances when skeleton health can be a problem in modern poultry production and vitamin D3 alone is not enough. Advances in breeding have improved performance in meat and egg producing strains, resulting in fast-maturing birds and better egg production. Often, however, disease and physiological disorders prevent bird from achieving the performance that they are genetically capable of delivering.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of  calcium, magnesium and phosphate, and multiple other biological effects. The most important compounds in the group are vitamin D3 ( also known as cholecalciferol ) and Vitamin D2 ( ergocalciferol ). One form of Vitamin D cholecalciferol ( CC ) enhance the utilization P and Ca bound to phytate, as well as other minerals, including manganese, iron, copper and zinc.


Cholecalciferol  ( C27H44O) is a secosteroid, that is, a steroid molecule with one ring open.

Ergocalciferol  ( C28H44O) is a secosteroid formed by a photochemical bond breaking of a streoid, specially, specifically, by the action of ultraviolet light on ergosterol, a form of provitamin D2. Like cholecalciferol, Ergocalciferol is inactive by itself. 


Used for balance in Bone structure, regulation of essential salts and other Vitamin deficiency related diseases. Must be used as per the government norms and internationally recommended regulation. Chlolecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested from the diet and from supplements.


We are leading manufacturer and exporter of SWISS CHEMIE Special ( VITAMIN D ) and our product is made up of good quality.

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