1. Halal Health and Feed Supplements for Poultry, Large Animal, Aqua.   2. Each product and supplement is thoughtfully tailor-made and meticulously crafted to match the unique needs and preferences of each customers.   


Acidifier for Poultry Feed and Water
Natural Growth Promoters in Broiler Production


The use of acidifier complexes enables minimisation of the development of pathogenic flora in feed and/or water and therefore optimises digestive function by promoting beneficial acidophilus bacteria.

ACIDIFIER–pd have growth promoting properties and can be used as alternatives to that the use of an organic acids mixture (comprising 30.0% lactic acid, 25.5% benzoic acid, 7% formic acid, 8% citric acid and 6.5% acetic acid) in broiler diets improved its performance as compared to the control diet at 42 days of age and organic

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