Enzymes are biological catalysts composed of amino acids with vitamins and minerals. The use of enzymes in poultry nutrition has great importance. The use of exogenous feed enzymes in the poultry diet is becoming a norm to overcome the adverse effects of anti-nutritional factors and improve digestion of dietary components and bird performance. In poultry, feed is accounting up to 70% of total production cost.
Poultry naturally produces enzymes to aid the digestion of feed nutrients
Several types of enzymes are commonly used in poultry feeding programmes, either individually or in combination. Each enzyme has a specific role in feed digestion:
Amylase: This enzyme is produced in small amounts in the body and should therefore be provided from external sources to enhance starch digestion. When this enzyme is used in the diet, there will be an around 3-5% increase in the feed energy available to the bird. It is more effective when combined with xylanase.
Protease: This enzyme is also produced in an insufficient amount in the body and should be provided from external sources. It acts on protein anti-nutrients found in some feed ingredients such as soybean, thus making the dietary protein more available.
Cellulase: Cellulase cannot be synthesized in the body and should also be provided from external sources. It breaks down the cellulose molecule into simple sugars such as beta-glucose or shorter polysaccharides and oligosaccharides.
Phytase: A proven technology used to release some of the non-digestible phosphorus and reduce the excretion of this element, thus reducing the cost of inorganic phosphorus supplementation.
use of enzymes on feed costs, a blend of amylase, protease, and phytase was used in corn-based broiler feeds at 1 g/kg. these enzymes reduced the amounts of nutrients required in the diet, while maintaining live-weight gain and feed conversion at the same level as birds fed a standard diet, with a resulting feed cost saving of around US$ 11.00 per tonne.
The layers diet should be supplemented with higher amounts of enzyme compared to the amounts needed for broilers (4 g/kg or more). This is because the layers need extra enzymes in the feed to compensate for the reduced production of indigenous enzymes as they mature.
Endogenous enzymes of poultry can not digest the NSP compounds which are present in the feed
The digestibility of feed by birds decreases
As the bird cannot break the cell wall components the other useful and digestible components are also lost as they are entrapped by NSP components
The intake of feed increases, the utilization of feed by the bird's decreases and cost increases
The food which is taken by birds is not digested and the intestinal viscosity increases
Absorption of bile juices increases, microbial flora of intestine gets altered and its growth increases
The competition between microbial flora and the bird increases for the nutrition
The sticky dropping of undigested feed is observed as the feed is not completely utilized and it absorbs a high amount of water
Increased rate of mixing of bile, pancreatic and intestinal secretions with digesta increases the viscosity and increases the amount of sticky dropping
As this feed is not completely utilized, this feed is not expelled out and because of this the passage tract is blocked and the intake of feed decreases
As the feed intake is high and endogenous enzymes do get excreted out
The loss of endogenous enzymes is observed
Reduction of nutrient availability is observed in birds and the distortion of growth and feed conversion
As the viscosity of the dropping is high the eggs are dirty
It affects the environment by high nitrogen and phosphorus exertion as the feed is not completely digested