Pullorum Disease in chickens
13 / Jun 19
Disease caused by one of the two poultry-adapted strains of Salmonella bacteria, Salmonella Pullorum, this usually only causes mortality in birds up to 3 weeks of age. Occasionally it can cause losses in adult birds, usually brown-shell egg layers. It affects chickens most commonly, but also infects turkeys, game birds, guinea fowls, sparrows, parrots, ring doves, ostriches and peafowl. It still occurs worldwide in non-commercial poultry but is now rare in most commercial systems.
- Inappetance.
- Depression.
- Ruffled feathers.
- Closed eyes.
- Loud chirping.
- White diarrhoea.
- Vent pasting.
- Gasping.
- Lameness.
Amoxycillin, poteniated sulponamide, tetracylines, fluoroquinolones.
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